Thursday, May 15, 2014


Written by: Dave DeRose

I had a job interview today.  In my car praying beforehand, I prayed, “God, I want to thank you for this opportunity. I don’t know your will and whether or not this is what you want for me. Please know I will serve you, faithfully, wherever you want me.” I definitely think praying is a skill and I have been practicing it since I committed my life to Christ in last November.  I certainly have a long way to go, but something happened today that has never happened before. I felt God touch my heart. It is a hard feeling to describe, but it was in the right spot, right inside my heart. It felt like if you put joy into energy, and placed it inside your heart, it radiates from within.  It almost brought me to tears. Now, I am smart enough to know this doesn't mean that I am going to get the job.  For me, what it means is that God is and will be with me.

I know what you’re thinking.  What does this have to do with “happy” Dave?  I would explain, I am setting the scene for my epiphany.  You know when your flesh desires something so intensely that it is almost painful? Things such as; promotion, increase, or improved relationships?  I was living in this manner for a long time.  I let my ambitions, ego, and countless other personal behaviors get in the way of my happiness. I have only come to live by Christ recently and have learned a considerably large amount about myself in a brief period of time. I have faced many uncomfortable self-realizations.  Let’s just say God has been very candid with me lately.  One thing has remained constant throughout this process, my happy level through each personal hurdle has increased immeasurably. I am seeing life through new eyes.  I think I can now explain what this thing called “happy” is in an entirely new way.

After the interview, I spent some time debriefing with my parents (they are such a blessing I can’t even begin to tell you). I took a moment to look and my baby nephew and soak in his cuteness as he slept gently in his crib. Then I headed home, took my dog on a walk, and reflected on my earlier experience in my car.  It was during this walk that it hit me.  Happiness is not an accomplishment thing, a physical thing, or can be given by other people.  Happiness is taking a moment to invite God into your heart, feeling His presence, and enjoying the present for all of its glory.  I watched my dog grinning as we walked through my neighborhood. Feeling incredibly peaceful, I realized how blessed and lucky I am.  There are things I don’t have that I wish to, someday. Knowing and understanding God is with me through life, even when life gets hectic, people are rude, or I fail, He allows me enjoy life.  I don’t need what He doesn’t want for me.

Take time to pray, let God touch your heart, look at all the beauty in your life that is only possible through and thanks to Him, and know He is with you as you walk through all seasons of life; this is what happiness is made of.  We can’t focus and let our emotions be effected by the things we cannot control.  When we submit to the present moment, that we have thanks to God, our level of “happy” will increase. Happiness is a God thing, it can’t come from anywhere else.  Recognize this and watch your life transform.  

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