Monday, May 5, 2014

Ranking Religion

Ranking Religion
Written by: Dave DeRose

In this world of faith, there are so many misconceptions. I see identity crises everywhere. People speak of church, forgetting what the original church was. "Anywhere where two people meet, and I am the reason, I will be there," that is church. I had a post sent to me recently that tapped into labels. Labels within Christianity frustrate me. Labels denote practices, rituals, and artifacts. In order to have true faith, one must let go of labels and hold on first, and only to, Jesus. As many different people there are in the world there are equally as many different ways of interpreting faith, scripture, and God. If everyone would grasp this idea . .  . that everyone is allowed their own interpretation and relationship with Jesus, then I think Christianity would take new form. This new form would be reminiscent of water. Let me explain.

Grace is like water, to use a Bruce Lee analogy. Grace fills the vessel. No matter the shape, color, or size It forms to fit that unique vessel, filling it with what is vitally needs. As everyone's lives give them different circumstances and experiences; so does Grace interact with them differently?

Saying that one way of expressing faith is better, or that another is inappropriate, goes against Jesus’ original intent for what the church should be.  The church is simply two or more people gathering to worship Jesus.  All the other acts and rituals have been created based on interpretation of scripture. They serve as symbolic manifestations of scripture.

The enemy wants to divide, rank, and judge. Any group, which promotes negative views of peers, whether they are Christian or not, does not follow scripture. For the Bible clearly says, “Jesus is the way,” but it also says “Judge less ye be judged.” It is not your job to judge one who has an opposing view than you. It is your job to love them. Love thy neighbor, after all. It isn't just, “Love thy neighbor if they are the exact same kind of Christian as you.” I don’t believe that Jesus would want these divisions.  The Church is the people, not the labels we give ourselves because labels are made by men to separate and categorize. 

True church is the feeling you get when you share faith with someone and you feel the Holy Spirit present. If going to a specific church helps you feel this, then good. Stay there. However, if your church encourages judgmental ideologies, it is not God centered.

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